gypsy punk

New Band Page: BESO NEGRO

Psst... Ever wished one little click could show you everything?? Well, on our brand-new BESO NEGRO band page, it does..!

Hear and See over half an hour of straight, undiluted BESO. Or, pick and choose singles from the whole box of chocolates. Whether you like it fast n furious or slow n low, we've got you covered. It's a real variety pack coming from this band, which blends Gypsy, Rock, Blues, Latin, Americana, and Punk, and every one of the flavors is super yummy!

Double O Seven: BESO NEGRO Pulls the Trigger with "Bullet"!!

Owl Mountain Sessions 007 hits the ground running with adrenaline ablaze. "Well-Placed Bullet" is a supersonic fireball of pure gypsy-punk fury — BESO NEGRO's brand-new melodic machine gun that never quits or misses a target. There’ll be no running for cover, so rise up, stand your ground, fight back. Embrace the pyrotechnics!!

BESO NEGRO hails from the active musical town of Fairfax in Northern California. Their hybrid sound blends vintage roots in Gypsy Jazz, Blues, Rock, Latin, and Americana. Shaken, not stirred!